Friday, May 28, 2010

Mrs. White Gets Extra Devoted to GoldenTemptress

Mrs. White got to talk to the author of one of the HOTTEST stories I've ever read. Holy Cow, I'm so jealous. :D You know, sometimes I feel like she owes me for my letting her post this stuff here, but this time I think I might owe her. :D Oh crap, that's never good...

Mrs. White: **pushes through coffee shop door, walking straight to the counter** Hey GoldenTemptress, I’m finally here!
GoldenTemptress: Oh, no problem, I am just waiting for the cute barista over there to find the whipped cream to put on my chai tea....he's having a little bit of a problem finding it....
MW: Oh, what a nice guy. **notices barista’s ass as he bends over** And nice view too.
GT: Yeah, he is definitely going to be getting a large tip for the show that came with my drink
MW: So can we stand here the all day or should we sit? Wait, can we get him to bring us stuff if we sit somewhere?
GT: Yep, the poor boys gotta pay for college somehow.
MW: Great, what should I get? I’ve never been to a coffee shop before. Do they have smoothies? Or liquor? Oh! Berry Smoothies, with Rum. I’ll get one of those!
GT: Well, there is this scary purple couch in the back we could sit at, I always see this brooding college guy sitting at it, he has the most peculiar hair.....

MW: Hmmm, sounds intriguing. **walk back toward the couch** So how did you get started in fan fic?
GT: I had just finished reading Breaking Dawn over Thanksgiving in 2008 and didn't feel that the story was quite finished for me. I started typing random things on the internet and found a Jacob and Nessie story and got drawn in.....
I started out reading AU BD or after fics and then found The Ex Factor by Angel at Twilight. That sucked me into this whole new realm of AH fics. I loved the bad boy Edward and then eventually moved onto fics such as Stay by crimsonmarie, The Arrangement by manyafandom, The Trip Home by mskathy, I could go on and on.
My first venture into writing was in December of 2008, right before Christmas. Embarrassingly enough, it was a Post BD Jacob and Nessie fic.....which I still kinda need to write the last three chapters of. I kinda lost speed near the end of that fic and got totally side-tracked by my venture into AH writing in Socks for Sex that is co-written by Nostalgicmiss. Then a random one-shot I wrote while watching really bad late night television on Lifetime turned into a contest we hosted and that is where Brotherly Devotion/Suite 2226 was born.

MW: **notices giggling college coeds walk in and eye up coffee boy** Hmmm, they look little princesses. Oh, which Disney Princess most closely resembles you?
GT: Um......I would say probably personality wise, Belle. I don't put up with men's crap and like to read. Looks wise, probably Princess Aurora from Sleeping Beauty. I am 5'8 and blonde with green eyes, too bad I don't quite have the banging body anymore (Thanks Baby P).

MW: Ehhhh, kids, I know what you mean. What’s the first story you read?
GT: It was a Jacob and Nessie fic called Making a Claim by sistersydney. Sadly, it was never finished.....

MW: **growls** Oh, I hate that! Ohh, here come our drinks! **digs in her purse** Where’s that flask I carry around with me?
GT: **watches as barista walks away after setting down drinks** Man, what I would give to be 22 again... Too bad their asses don't stay that tight after you marry them...

MW: Tell me about it… **pours rum into her smoothie** So, what’s your favorite fan fic story and why?
GT: I don't even know where to begin to answer that one. There are literally hundreds on my alert list. I read entirely too much. The fic that owns me currently is probably High Anxiety by EdwardsBloodType, I am addicted to the hotness that is OCDward. I can't wait for the return of Eddie Masen.....
That story is so complex, and personally I loved all the angst she put into it. I hated that she had to edit her original vision because of some whiny reviewers.
Bella is stuck between being an innocent teen and an adult, and finds this boy that can't give her what she needs to thrive, but she falls in love with him anyways. I love that she isn't a pushover and has a little bit of a kinky side besides still holding firmly onto her V card. I'll admit that I cried right along with Edward in the Vegas chapter, it killed me, and then again with the infamous Tanya fiasco.

MW: So, you know that I know her, right? Me, her, and my neighbor guy…we have a special bond… **fondly remembers a certain evening in a hot tub**
GT: Nice, I love the way she writes Edward, such a hot, brooding, pervy teenage boy... And who wouldn't love a story that has a sparkly peen replica... I tried to get my husband to do that once, he fun...
MW: I got one of those ones you freeze. You know, from that vampire movie? Yeah, it’s great. And so is EBT. We had a little moment in the hot tub with my hottie neighbor guy. It was fun, if you know what I mean. **smirks and winks**
GT: Very hot, although I would be afraid that frozen one would frostbite your lady parts, and that would not be cool. My hubs told me I was a pervert, and to buy a normal one like every other woman.

MW: Hmmm, men. So how did you come up with the idea for your stories?
GT: Full Moon Rising came out of trying to create an ending for Nessie. I really loved creating her character as an almost adult. I tried to fuse the parts of Edward and Bella with a pinch of her aunts that I loved from the original books. I know that there is the whole drawn out controversy about BD imprinting and pedophilia, but it was never like that in my mind. Jacob wasn't dirty, he was just drawn to her through genetic predestination. I think a lot of people let the whole imprinting on a baby thing deal with physical love, not unconditional emotional/non-sexual love that it was about. So anyways, I also wanted to write a sex scene, it was literally the first chapter that I wrote of that story, and then had like 24 chapters I had to come up with leading up to them getting it on.
Socks for Sex was born out of a gchat rant with Nostalgicmiss, who wrote some amazing fics that were AU, I love her Jacob/Nessie fic and her BD AU story, it was the inspiration for me to start writing in the first place. We were bitching - ok, maybe I was bitching - about how men leave their socks all over the damn place and I felt like I traded sex for washing his nasty socks. Thus a title is born. I got to rant about being a housewife in my characterization of Bella, and NM got to write about being a single girl looking for the right person, one lover at a time. People were kinda freaked out that we had Alice in a secret fuckbuddy affair with Jacob, but they eventually jumped on board. I wrote the storyline for Bella, and she came up with the storyline for Alice, and we kind of meshed them together with alternating POVs. I had also just had some stuff happen IRL that really affected me, so I wrote some of it into the storyline. We surprisingly enough won and Indie Award for best collaboration on the fic, and did little happy dances before we wrote the epilogue.
Like I mentioned earlier, Brotherly Devotion/Suite 2226 was developed one night at 4 am when I couldn’t sleep and wrote a one-shot while watching a really bad Lifetime movie that was about an adulteress/sex addict. Obviously I didn't make Bella a sex addict, but it kind of shaped the whole forbidden affair thing. Everyone expected me to make Jacob the husband, and came out in hoards to yell at me when I made it Emmett. I would probably die if my family ever found out about the story, because while my brother in law is 5 years younger than me, tall and cute, I have absolutely no sexual attraction to him. I knew him when he was a giant goober at 16, ew gross. This story comes completely out of my imagination, because I have never, ever, been unfaithful to anyone, and I love my dear, sweet, goofy husband. He is like an Emmett. Loud, crude and perverted, but loveable.

MW: Do you ever use any people from real life in your stories?
GT: Um, in Socks for Sex we wrote in a Rob cameo in a club, but not really.
MW: Well, maybe coffee boy could get a starring role in your next project.
GT: Well…that could be arranged, but I think that Mskathy has the market cornered on hot barista Edward...Scone boy in The Discovery of Bella Swan
MW: Oh, I’ve heard of her. Her stories are pretty hot, aren’t they?
GT: Definitely, she writes some racy scenes with all kinds of pairings, but she has some amazing plot lines too.

MW: Yum, I like different pairings… Now, who is your favorite character to write?
GT: I actually really liked writing Jacob in Full Moon Rising, he was so awkward and unsure of himself. I also had a little fun taking liberties with overprotective Daddy Edward.
As far as Brotherly Devotion, I love Bella, but sometimes she is a little too emo, woe is me. I really like the Edward character, and can't wait to get to his POV, but I have to follow the story through Bella first. He is a lot less innocent than Bella thinks he is. Let’s just say that while he wasn't running around sticking his dick in some co-ed vag, he was having girls fall on their knees for him quite frequently, if ya know what I'm sayin. Remember the comments about him in the dance club during the one-shot/chapter 2, well yeah, he knew exactly what he was doing. There are also some things that he is doing behind the scenes that would ruin the story if Bella knew what was going on. He also curses in his head a lot, and fuck, so do I. :D

MW: What? **almost drops her rummed up smoothie** Oh no, my sweet little Edward isn’t so sweet?
GT: Well, in terms of strictly intercourse, he is still pretty innocent at the beginning of the story, but in other ways, yeah, not so much.

MW: Oh boy… Hey, what’s your favorite tv show from when you were growing up?
GT: I loved David the Gnome when I was really little, he was awesome. I also really liked Doogie Howser, that NPH is a hottie, even if he does like the meatstick.
MW: Hmmm, speaking of NPH, did you see Glee last week? Oh that man…Why are the good ones always gay?
GT: No, sadly I don't watch Glee, the husband vetoed that show, although I did laugh at the one episode I have seen, where the cheerleader's boyfriend actually thinks that he knocked her up in the hot gullible...

MW: Oh you poor woman, it’s incredible. So, how did you meet and get your beta?
GT: My first stories, I beta-d myself, along with Nostalgicmiss.
My first beta for Brotherly Devotion was antiaol. She was introduced to me through Tby789 and her love of Suite 2226, she was a big cheerleader for me to turn it into a full length fic. Bri recently stepped down because she is a busy lady and wanted to get back to writing, but she still pre-reads for me.
My second/new beta for Brotherly Devotion is Jessica 1971, she volunteered on Twitter after I sent out a message saying I needed a new beta. She is awesome and filters through my giant chapters.
I guess you could say that my creative beta is Nostalgicmiss. She looks at every chapter first and lets me know if I am crazy or not. Well, most of the time I am still crazy, but she gives me positive feedback anyways. She also held my hand when I first developed the outline.

MW: Nice. Hey, is coffee boy flirting with those other girls over there? We gotta find a way to get him back over here.
GT: Hmmm.....I don't know if we can compete with shorts that short. I gave up on showing my ass cheeks off in public sometime during college....
MW: I think our only hope is if he’s a boob man. Luckily we’ve got them beat in that department. Let’s hoist these babies up and see if we can distract him.
GT: Ha...let's be glad that I just had a baby...

MW: **adjust boobs as GT uses her post baby boobs to their full potential** Now, how does it make you feel when people gush over you and your stories?
GT: It makes me feel really good about what I am doing. I write for myself first, and share it with others because it is a rewarding process to know people actually like your work. I am not one of those writers who begs for reviews, and I am still genuinely shocked when I get so many of them. I felt really horrible during my ginormous hiatus while I was pregnant/after Baby P was born, but I have been really lucky that so many readers really liked my first jump back into writing since last fall.

MW: Yeah, I know I was hoping you’d be back soon, I was missing the smutty goodness you write. Oh hey, what’s your favorite item on a relish tray?

GT: Um, does the dip count? Probably carrots...I like my veggies long and crunchy....
MW: Hmmm, I get that. And what about fruit? This smoothy if very good, by the way. I don’t even think it’s just because of the rum, either. **her speech slightly slurring**
GT: Grapes. I love everything with grape essence. I was obsessed with grape juice, and grape flavored laffy taffy when I was pregnant. I actually bit my husband when he tried to steal my laffy taffy once, he totally deserved it. You don't mess with a pregnant woman's candy, that is just asking for trouble.

MW: So you’re a biter, huh? Good to know… Now, which Twilight saga book is your favorite? And what’s your opinion on Breaking Dawn?
GT: I would say that Eclipse is my favorite. I like the action and drama surrounding the army. The fight scene with Seth/Edward and Riley/Victoria was among my favorites, as well as the sleeping bag incident and the conversation about 'trying'. I think that it was the only book that was well rounded from the Bella POV, she seemed to be a little less emo than normal.
Personally, I loved Breaking Dawn despite some of its glaring flaws. I think the whole concept of the Incubus was kinda predictable, but it was a means to an end for SM. I think that Nessie's power was badass, and I thought the imprint with Jacob was a bittersweet conclusion for his character. I liked that she didn't just leave him hanging, pining after Bella. Bella and Edward's love, which he fought against so hard brought about the most important thing in his life, talk about sweet irony. I also liked the interaction of newborn Bella with all of the extended characters such as Kate and Jenks. Even though the end was kind of anticlimactic, I still thought she handled it well. I would have probably burned the damn book if she killed off anyone in the main characters besides Irina. I also think that this book cemented my hatred of Caius, he is one cold bastard, no pun intended.

MW: Oh nice. Wait, this is important, who is your celebrity crush?
GT: Um, do you even really need to ask that? Who doesn't want a little "just the tip" action with Robert Pattinson. Ok, maybe I want a little more than the tip.....and those fingers..... **cue drool**
MW: Oh seriously, those Water for Elephant pictures that came out last week…what a dirty boy he is. And suspenders? Really? I just wanna grab hold of them and…
GT: There is something about seeing Robkowski with a horse that makes me wanna ride things...... **wink**

MW: Yeah, he could take me for a ride any day. **fans self** If you could give one piece of advice to a new author, what would it be?
GT: Don't overwrite a character type. Nobody wants to read about some badass, sexist, domineering, evil Edward and his narcissistic inner dialogue that uses way too many stereotypes towards women and such. Try to think about what you would want to read, and instill that in your characters. This is fan fiction, so don’t forget that there are certain personality traits that you can't disconnect from some characters. Rosalie will never be a warm loving saint, and Esme would never be a serial killer.

MW: Serial killer Esme? Oh, can you even imagine how awesome that would be? She could be like a black widow type, or maybe her and Carlisle as Bonnie and Clyde...
GT: Or maybe she could channel Uma and go all Kill Bill on everyone.
MW: Oh Uma, lucky skank. You saw those pics of her and Rob, right? What I wouldn’t give to have him behind me like that…
GT: I know, damn, Rob is just gonna cause women round the world to spontaneously ovulate for years to cum....I mean, come..... **grin**

MW: Speaking of favorite things, what’s your favorite part about fan fic and the Twilight fandom?
GT: That people are so passionate about what they read. I think that there is a true kindred spirit with all people who read fan fic, with the exceptions of course of people who take things too seriously. It's supposed to be fun people. I also like the Rob Porn, because yeah, he's totally fuckhawt and I swear he caused the spontaneous ovulation involving the conception of my daughter. I got pregnant within days of the release of the shirtless New Moon pics, just sayin.

MW: Oh, who doesn’t love a little RobPorn in the morning? Or afternoon? Or evening? I mean really, is there anytime of day when RobPorn isn’t appropriate?
GT: I think that RobPorn is part of a healthy diet, you need it to keep your heart healthy.
I think that RobPorn is part of a healthy diet, you need it to keep your heart healthy

MW: I think I could just live off of Rob. Oh, I almost forgot, what’s your favorite ALMOST curse word?
GT: Frak.....I am a BSG dork, can't help it. I also like to say fudge. My mom always use to say that when I was little when she wanted to curse at people and I thought it was funny to repeat it. I was obviously easily entertained.

MW: I have a mom like that, never cursed ever, like a saint, that woman. You know, I’ve never seen that show. It’s good, huh?
GT: I am a scifi dork, so I loved it, and it didn't hurt that there are several hotties in the cast...mmmm Jamie Bamber...

MW: I like hotties, speaking of which, where did that coffee boy get off to? **glances around** Wow, I hadn’t noticed, the music in this place is crap, don’t they have some rock or metal they could play? I guess it’s easier to relax to elevator music. Speaking of music, do you listen to music while you write?
GT: It depends on the mood I am in. Sometimes I do, but sometimes I need to concentrate and it distracts me. I think that a song called “I Never Told You” by Colbie Caillat has inspired/motivated the back half of Brotherly Devotion.

MW: I’ve heard that song. She reminds me of an angel, for some reason. So, if Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
GT: Hmmm......maybe, "Welcome to Heaven, we accept you even if you did like to watch too much internet porn." I honestly don't know, that involves too much deep, contemplative thought. It makes my brain hurt.

MW: Well, don’t overextend yourself, you need to be ready for the upcoming chapters that are gonna have lots of smut, right? There are going to be more smutty chapters later…right? I mean, woman cannot live on China Closet and Movie Theater chapters alone.
GT: Well... **lowers voice to a whisper** There may be an homage to the movie Atonement in the chapter around New Years...
MW: Oh crap, seriously?
GT: Mr. Cullen in the Library, with something resembling a candlestick...or maybe a lead pipe... **giggles** Bella definitely won't be getting murdered...but there may be screaming involved...just sayin’.
MW: Oh goodness…is it hot in here?
GT: Maybe its just all the alcohol you consumed... **giggle** Ooohh look, the Barista sure found something to keep him warm tonight. **nods towards front door where coffee boy has his arms around two co-eds**
MW: Screw that, let’s go back to my place. My neighbor guy is home from work and he owes me, he can sit and look pretty while we ogle him.
GT: Sounds good to me... **grins** Hey, look, doesn't that guy look familiar to you, I could swear I have seen him before...I wonder if he dyes his hair that color or... **runs into closed door at front of shop while staring at hot co-ed with bronze colored hair**
MW: He does look familiar…I’m gonna have to come back here, maybe get myself acquainted with him a little better. He looks like he’d be into older women…and he could sure get into me.
GT: I don't know, he looks like he might not fit... **wink** But it might be fun to let him try…


Oh goodness, that was fun!! :D I need to go reread that story...

Monday, May 3, 2010

Mrs. White Gets Extremely Buzzed with BittenBee...

Mrs. White interviewed one of my most favorite people ever!! BittenBee!!! I was pretty excited when I found out this was coming, so I hope you enjoy it!! :)

Mrs. White – Hey Bee! Kids are watching that Avatar movie so for 3 hours you’re all mine.
BittenBee – Dandy!
MW – Why do I get the feeling you’re being sarcastic?
BB – I’m monotone.

MW – As long as you haven’t got mono… *hee-hee* So how did you get started in fan fic?
BB - I used to read fanfiction a long time ago when I was in high school (fics from other fandoms). I left the fanfiction world for many years until Twilight. The books left me unsatisfied and I had such a craving for more Bella and Edward. So, one year later, here I am!

MW – Ahhh yes, other fandoms. Hey, what day does your trash get picked up? Do you have like a trash chute or something?
BB - Wow...I have no idea. In my apartment building, it just gets picked up by the city. Like an anonymous gift.

MW – I like gifts. Especially jewelry. So, what’s the first story you read?
BB - I can’t remember exactly. I’ll go with Never Happen To Me by tk-square as a pear and Physical Encounter by wolfpgirl.

MW – Ohhh, wolfpgirl. I love her!
BB - She’s such a good writer.
MW – I know it.
BB – Hey, who owns the Rolls Royce down the street?

MW – Oh, that’s the new neighbor guy. I’ve taken to calling him Glasses Guy. Now, back to business. What are your favorite fan fic stories and why?
BB – Healing by freakyhazeleyes is probably my first love. You never forget your first love. Her characters really sang to me. Black and White by Vixen1836. The character of Edward was very strong. He was complicated, his reasoning and thought process was flawed and dark--which I liked. Deconstructing Dracula by Hmonster4. It was so different and very well-researched. The plot was down to earth, yet exciting. The characters were really appealing. Volition by RochelleAllison. Another well-researched story in terms of historical accuracy, Ro's dialogue and characterizations were nice, and the intimate scenes were so tasteful. DID by dollegirl I love too. Usually I’m drawn to serious stories, but DID is just really funny. I never feel awkward like I do when reading humor in other stories (ironic since her characters are awkward!). It’s a difficult genre to write, but she does humor like no one else. Currently, I’m absorbed with Dark Games & Twisted Minds by Katinki and Living Backwards by ciaobella27. The plots are exciting and their writing plays out like a movie in my head. But really, there are so many good stories to choose from. This question is so unfair!

MW – Those are good ones. Now, how many days a week do you get full on made up?
BB – Twice a week. That’s the perfect amount of “I don’t care” and “does my hair look okay from the back?”

MW – Hmmmm, I like it. How did you come up with the ideas for you stories?
BB – After months of lurking in the fandom and reading countless stories, I was inspired to try, but most importantly, I wanted to write the things that I couldn’t find in other stories. Missing pieces. Maybe I wasn’t searching enough. My one-shots spawned from those glimpses of ideas that you get while you’re at work or think about right before you dose off to sleep. I didn’t want those ideas to disappear so I did something with them—like entering contests. That’s as good a motivation as any.

Temptations of the Unloved was my urge to write a vampire Edward because my brain is too analytical sometimes – with senses and the overall thought process – so it seemed to fit nicely. I love when Edward will sit back and try to figure Bella out by observation, deduction, and instinct and therefore used that canon quality in the story and applied it to an artist/model scene. And what do ya know, I’m also a fine artist, so the entire process was a blast.

Conversations with a Stranger was based on a real story, mine. I really did get into a car with a perfect stranger and drive through two states after my flight at the airport got cancelled. It was a crazy winter storm and I was stuck with him for hours in a car. He was a nice guy too. Purely platonic. I thought it would be rather perfect to write it into an Edward/Bella Christmas love story.

The Write Stroke is my version of an awkward Edward. He’s not a geek or a high school nerd. I wanted to try something different and explore adult awkwardness. Let’s be honest, high school is usually painful, but what about when you’re in your mid-thirties and still acting strange? Haha. Admittedly, I’m pretty awkward too, so I pulled from some of those tendencies and amped it up for Edward.

As for I Hate You, Kiss Me, I wanted to put a spin on the common love/hate romantic comedy. There are a lot of qualities I like about that dynamic, but I used this story as an excuse to explore a relationship in greater detail. The gray area that gets glossed over so much in stories. So, I rolled my sleeves up and thought I’d give it a try.

MW – Speaking of gloss, you bring any lip gloss with you? I think I have an idea for this afternoon.
BB – Nope, none at all. I don’t wear lipstick.
MW – None at all?
BB – Lip balm on occasion.

MW – Well, you can borrow mine, it’s cherry red, you’ll love it. Um, who is your favorite character to write?
BB – Yikes, I’m not sure since I haven’t tried writing from every POV. I do enjoy Edward, for reasons stated concerning Temptations of the Unloved. I like complexity of a broody nature. Other characters that I’d really like to try in the future are Carlisle and Rosalie. The real spirit beneath the cliché personalities :)

MW – Fun. Hey, let’s make cookies for the new neighbor guy.
BB - I smell chocolate.
MW – Hmmm, I make awesome Minty Chocolate Cookies, I’ll bet Glasses Guy might like those.
BB – Minty Chocolate Cookies for Glasses Guy?? I cannot wait to taste that. Him. Those. HAHA. What were we talking about?

MW – Yeah, I know. How did you meet and get your beta?
BB – I actually didn’t have a beta for most of my writing until recently.
Dollegirl stumbled upon me a year ago and we’ve been best friends ever since. She pre-reads almost everything I write and we bounce around a lot of plots and scenes in chat. She just ‘gets me’.
Nicnicd is a friend who came on recently to beta the rest of I Hate You, Kiss Me and she also beta’d Temptations of the Unloved. We met through the Twilighted threads and she’s always been as sweet as pie. She knows how to nudge me in all the right places of a chapter.
IrritableGrizzzly has beta’d a couple things for me. She’s an IHYKM reader and one day lectured me on a common grammatical error, LOL. She’s an editing machine and knows her grammar. She won’t even let me get away with using clichés, even if I really want them!
Other betas that came to my rescue in the past are Kimpy0464, VivaViva, and Vixen1836. Hopefully I’m not forgetting anybody. I suppose it’s uncommon for an author to have had so many betas, ha! They each have their own style too.

MW – Oh hey, you got any sunglasses? We might need some.
BB – Yeah, five pairs. Sunglasses are hard to buy, I grab them if they're perfect.

MW – Nice thinking. You melting that chocolate over there with all your hotness?
BB – Oh snap! Aren’t these cookies done yet?
MW – I wish, these cookies take all day.
BB – But...but...! You lured me here with cakes and sweets...

MW – Yeah, well, I gave them to the kids. I had to bribe them with something to keep them out of here. So, how does it make you feel when people gush over you and your stories?
BB – Talk about awkward, I actually do the Bella-blush and am pretty stunned. After that wears off, I’m flattered and humbled. Then I’ll grin like an idiot. I appreciate people who enjoy reading my rambles that morphed into a serious hobby. If they love the writing, I’m glad that I could have an affect on their life like that.

MW – Oh, that’s so cute…you blushing. I didn’t think that as possible, you turning all pink.
BB - I'm olive-skinned, but I can blush. It's impossible for me to turn orange, like the girls on Jersey Shore.
MW – What is with that show? Everyone watches it!
BB – Yeah, well Mythbusters is my favorite reality show. I want to see stuff blow up and try on Jamie Hyneman’s beret hat.
MW – Ohhh, I just wanna speak French, like Edward whispers to Bella in that story The Office.
BB – I liked everything that Edward did to Bella in The Office.

MW – Hmmm, yeah, me too. So which Twilight saga book is your favorite? And what’s your opinion on Breaking Dawn?
BB – The first book Twilight and Midnight Sun (even though it was unfinished). I can’t help it, I’m a sap for the original love story. I did also like Jasper in Eclipse. Ha, Breaking Dawn… I’m sure my opinions are the same as most people’s. It was satisfying and disappointing. Delete the pregnancy and have more vampire Bella. *shrugs*
MW – Oh yeah, more sparkling is always good.
BB – I shimmered up Mr. Bee with sparkle lotion. I was gonna put him in a patch of sunlight... Unfortunately I only got as far as his forearm before he caught on to my scheme. Mr. Bee is understanding of my vampire love.

MW – You’re so smart Bee… It’s kinda hot. Speaking of which, if you could get it on with any character from one of your stories, who would it be and why?
BB – Probably Edward in Conversations with a Stranger. I think a lot of my characters are intense in some way, but this Edward is more…mellow and agreeable. I think most would assume that I’d be head over heels for Lawward in IHYKM, but if I step out of a role-playing mindset, Edward in CwaS would suit the real me.

MW – Speaking of role playing, I think we should dress up for Glasses Guy, what do you think?
BB – I like the sound of that.
MW – I’m thinking leopard print stretch pants, corsets, kitten heels, and frilly aprons. I usually favor corsets with clasps, those lace up ones take too long to get off.
BB – Unless you have a vampire that rips right through them. * shivers *

MW – Oh, that is a nice thought. If you could give one piece of advice to a new author, what would it be?
BB – Write what you are. This means that you take aspects of your personal life and heart and manifest them into fiction. You can have a formulated plot and an outline, but the story won’t really be original unless you look inside yourself. It’s people that are original and make interesting characters. Explore characters by studying yourself and the reasoning behind everything. Cookie cutter plots are useful to work off of and learn from, but if the story doesn’t develop beyond that, you have little chance of affecting your readers. Fixing grammar can come later on.

MW – Good advice! Man, you really are smart. Oh, I forgot to ask you before, what is your favorite ALMOST curse word?
BB – Shut the front door!
MW – Okay, is it gonna get awkward if I tell you that I’m starting to develop a girl crush on you?
BB – I think Mr. Bee might have issues with that.

MW – Oh, true. Okay, I can wait. Until then, what is your favorite part about fan fic and the Twilight fandom?
BB – The fandom is exploding with creativity about the one subject that drew us all in. The Byronic hero and love conquers all. I love learning as much as I love the silliness. It doesn’t matter what mood I’m in, I can always be entertained by reading a story, Twitter and the threads, or my own writing. I’ve also met some amazing women through feedback and friendship. Some of them are irreplaceable to me.

MW – Byronic hero? Oh, you’re killing me. *shakes head* How many purses do you have?
BB – Four. A green one with skulls all over it for casual. My messenger bag for work. A violet suede one that’s fancy-casual. A black petite leather one that’s fancy. Don’t ask why I have them categorized. I’m a freak like that.
MW – Seriously? Now with the freak talk… Okay fine, do you have a celebrity crush?
BB – I don’t really have crushes on celebrities. I guess Henry Cavill. He’s pretty to look at.

MW – Hmmm, yes, he is nice to look at. Though I personally like Rob, as you can see by my extensive Robporn collection. *opens back closet door*
MW – Yeah, well, you know. Let’s plate up some of these cookies and get ready to go meet Glasses Guy.
BB – Yowza. I'm on the edge of my seat here, next to the window.
MW – Oh, is he out there? Here, throw on this apron. I have matching ones, mine is Minnie Mouse and yours is Daisy Duck.
BB – Sounds good. We'll need a team name.

MW – Hey, put on this lipstick and we’ll work on that name thing later. Oh, one more thing before we go. If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
BB – Well this is random. “Can I interest you in a fairytale ending and an eternity of eating chocolate?”
MW – Ohhhh, an eternity of chocolate. That does sound good. The only thing better would be an eternity of Rob with chocolate. Or Rob covered in chocolate.
BB – Do you have anything with Bee stripes? Wings? I just want to show Glasses Guy the real me.
MW – Well, that could be arranged. You know, one of the rugrats has some wings left over from a Halloween costume. :D
BB – I can definitely squeeze into them. :) And those cookies look awesome.
MW – Come on Bee, let’s go see if Glasses Guy is as hot as your Lawward. I think I need another swig of that liquid courage you’ve been nursing all day.
BB - The trick is to pace yourself.
MW – True, you don't want to appear too drunk.
BB – Although I was already drunk before lunch. No big deal though.
MW – Yeah, cause you're usually drunk before lunch?
BB – Hey, it's 5 o'clock somewhere.

Since BittenBee is the Daisy Duck to my Minnie Mouse, I thought I'd add this cute little picture. It's not really us, but I do love the serial killer/bank robber quality of it. These girls are clearly up to no good, which is pretty much how I imagine things going if Bitten and I were to ever get our buzzes on together. :D Oh, I love that girl...